MLCCC 2017-02-10 news letter

Dear Parents,

Hope you all are doing well during yesterday’s snow storm.  

It is with great regret to announce that Sherry Wang, our PTO president, along with the graduation of his son Kenny Yang from our school, will move on at the end of this school year.  Sherry has been instrumental in forming and defining MLCCC PTO six years ago.  Since its founding, Sherry has lead the PTO to implement many of the activities and events that we are enjoying everyday now, for example, school store, Easter egg hunt, parents tea party, parents picnic day, and sports day.  As PTO president and also as part of admin, she spent countless hours to serve our school and community without any compensation.  The enthusiastic passion and the creative ideas she brought made our school better and strong.  We are also very fortunate to be able to benefit from her great organization and leadership skills.  She will be missed greatly.  Please join us in saying “Thank you” to Sherry Wang.  It is with warmest regards that we wish Sherry and her family happy, healthy and success!

We also want to take this opportunity to ask anyone who is interested to step up and serve the MLCCC community.  Please let us know if you are interested.




Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Best Regards,

Li, Xia - Principal
Julia Chou - Director of Operations and Communications
Sherry Wang - PTO President
MLCCC Chinese Weekend School
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