MLCCC 2017-03-03 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

The car of a visitor to our school last Sunday was damaged while it was parked in the parking area at GVHS.  This is the first time an incident like this has happened and we hope it is the last.  We also hope the damage was not caused by someone in our community as many groups come to GVHS.  Thank you to our visitor Ms. Barrett for trying to handle this gracefully.  We hope everyone’s possessions are safe and sound going forward.     


"On Sunday February 26th there was an accident in the parking area along the baseball field at Great Valley High School.  A beige car parked next to a black SUV approx 2:40 pm.  At approximately 3:30 or so several passengers entered the black SUV and proceeded to pull out of the spot and hit the beige car on the driver side back door, back side panel and wheel well.   Black paint was left on the car with multiple large scrapes and dents.  The school has the videotape of the events and for the car owner to pursue this matter it will be turned over to the police.  This action will result in a criminal charge of "hit and run, and leaving the scene of an accident."  The owner of the beige car is open to working with the hitter to resolve the matter without the police involvement.  If you are the involved party, please contact her privately at 484-716-0659 to resolve this issue.  Thank you. "

Mary S. Barrett

The American Consortium For Education




Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Best Regards,

Li, Xia - Principal
Julia Chou - Director of Operations and Communications
Qunbin Xiong - Vice Principal
Sherry Wang - PTO President
MLCCC Chinese Weekend School
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