MLCCC 2017-11-23 news letter

Dear Parents,

Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩节快乐!(gǎn ēn jiē kuài lè !)

Weekend School will be CLOSED for the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend on 11/26, enjoy the weekend with friends and family!  Class Resumes on 12/3.

It is that time of the year again for thanking people and being thanked for, it brings the best out of us all! 感恩, 感谢, 用自己的方式感谢父母, 老师和朋友。明朗感谢每一个帮助和关怀我们的人!(gǎn ēn , gǎn xiè , yòng zì jǐ de fāng shì gǎn xiè fù mǔ , lǎo shī hé péng yǒu 。míng lǎng gǎn xiè měi yī gè bāng zhù hé guān huái wǒ men de rén !)

Main Line Chinese Culture Center is Thankful...

MLCCC is thankful to our teachers, students, parents, and friends for their support, kindness and love toward our community!!

Our PTO sponsored “Wall of Thankfulness” (感恩墙) has been transformed into a beautiful greeting card (below, thanks to Mr. Li, Lu!), it is filled with personal messages of “thankfulness” from our students, teachers and parents!  

Our Students are Thankful...

They thank mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, they thank their teachers, they thank their brothers and sisters, and they thank their friends and the world around…

Grade 3 Teacher Tang asks her students during her class, “Who do you want to thank the most at Thanksgiving?” “在感恩节,你最想感谢的是谁?” ...

笑笑说:我要感谢爸爸妈妈为了去努力工作, 他们还为我做了很多事。







Our parents and teachers are thankful...

PTO president, Li, Lu: 感谢@群彬 @Julia Chou @Sally 对PTO工作的支持,感谢@梁曙 @Vicki Lai @yufeng @Lydia @明倩-守信守爱妈 @jillaint @Xia 你们做了那么繁琐的事情、花了那么长的时间、用了那么多的精力来把PTO的工作一件件地做到极致。祝你们全家感恩节快乐!

PTO Vicki Lai: 感谢各位领导和同仁,很开心有机会与大家一起为明朗添砖加瓦,与孩子们共同成长。祝大家感恩节快乐.

PTO Shuguang: 感谢明朗学校的领导;感谢队长的带领,感谢各位同仁的付出与合作!

CHL K teacher Gao Baoli: I am thankful for having a healthy year and meeting lots of cute, loving little angels who are the future of our family, society and country!

G1 Teacher Liping Wang:  I'm thankful for having a lovely and caring family and the entire MLCCC community who have given me extreme support and care during my difficult time this year.

MLCCC Admin, Sally Chen: I’m thankful for meeting you in the MLCCC and be your friend and be your colleague.

MLCCC Admin, Julia Chou:  I am thankful for being part of the caring, dedicated, and supportive MLCCC community of families and to my family for taking care of the everyday chores so that I in turn can help others.

MLCCC Admin, Qunbin Xiong: I am thankful to being surrounded every Sunday by so many caring teachers, parents, and most importantly, lovely and cheerful children! Thank you! 谢谢@李路 (PTO), 谢谢新一代明朗PTO, 你们的努力使得明朗更加温暖。

Wish you a safe and very happy Thanksgiving!

Best Regards,

Qunbin Xiong - Principal

Julia Chou - Vice Principal

Sally Chen - Director of Academics

Lu Li - PTO President

MLCCC Chinese Weekend School

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